11 Homemade Mason Jar Gifts Perfect for Mother’s Day

11 Homemade Mason Jar Gifts Perfect for Mother’s Day

Produce heartfelt memories with 11 Do it yourself Mason jar gifts that you can effortlessly make just in time for Mother’s Working day, incorporating a private touch to your celebration.

1. Mason Jar Sewing Package

It All Begun With Paint!

2. Self-Care Mason Jar Gift 

Howdy Splendid

3. Shade Coded Mason Jar Gifts 

The Gunny Sack

4. Bloody Mary Mason Jar 

Anything Turquoise

5. Mommy Survival Kit 

Elegant Clutter

6. Golden Pampering Mason Jar Gift 

The Gunny Sack

7. Brownie Combine in a Jar

Call me Cupcake.

8. Tea Time Mason Jar 


9. Herb Kit in a Jar 

The Place Stylish Cottage

10. Mulled Wine Mason Jar Gift 


11. Veggie Soup Mason Jar 
